Reserva Natural Isla Juan Venado

Reserva Natural Isla Juan Venado, León, Nicaragua
category: boundary — type: protected area — OSM: relation 17969052
Estero Ciego (Q21053718)
  • relation: Estero Ciego (OSM) exact location name match [show tags]
    name=Estero Ciego (8 name matches)
    note=Approximate location and elevation based on satellite imagery (primary BingSat), OpenSRTM and OpenTopo map.
    natural=bay (OSM tag matches Wikidata or Wikipedia category)
    alt_name=Estero El Ciego (7 name matches)
    source:id=2852iv Puerto Sandino - USGS OpenTopo map Series E751 Nicaragua 1:50k Nº E751X28524 (1984)
    source:imagery=BingSat, ESRI, and other open satellite imagery available to OSM as of 2024

    wikidata match: Q21053718
Río Grande de La Leona (Q21053988)
  • relation: Río Grande de La Leona (OSM) 2.85 km from Wikidata name match [show tags]
    name=Río Grande de La Leona (7 name matches)
    note=Approximate location and elevation based on satellite imagery (primary BingSat), OpenSRTM and OpenTopo map.
    natural=water (OSM tag matches Wikidata or Wikipedia category)
    alt_name=Río Salinas Grande (7 name matches)
    source:id=2852iv Puerto Sandino - USGS OpenTopo map Series E751 Nicaragua 1:50k Nº E751X28524 (1984)
    source:imagery=BingSat, ESRI, and other open satellite imagery available to OSM as of 2024
  • relation: Río Grande de La Leona (OSM) 28 m from Wikidata name match [show tags]
    name=Río Grande de La Leona (7 name matches)
    note=Approximate location and elevation based on satellite imagery (primary BingSat), OpenSRTM and OpenTopo map.
    natural=water (OSM tag matches Wikidata or Wikipedia category)
    alt_name=Río Salinas Grande (7 name matches)
    source:id=2852iv Puerto Sandino - USGS OpenTopo map Series E751 Nicaragua 1:50k Nº E751X28524 (1984)
    source:imagery=BingSat, ESRI, and other open satellite imagery available to OSM as of 2024
  • way: Río Grande de La Leona (OSM) 50 m from Wikidata name match [show tags]
    name=Río Grande de La Leona (7 name matches)
    note=Approximate location and elevation based on satellite imagery (primary BingSat), OpenSRTM and OpenTopo map.
    alt_name=Río Salinas Grande;Río Grande (14 name matches)
    waterway=river (OSM tag matches Wikidata or Wikipedia category)
    source:id=2852iv Puerto Sandino - USGS OpenTopo map Series E751 Nicaragua 1:50k Nº E751X28524 (1984)
    source:imagery=BingSat, ESRI, and other open satellite imagery available to OSM as of 2024

    wikidata match: Q21053988
  • way: Río Grande de La Leona (OSM) 8.99 km from Wikidata name match [show tags]
    name=Río Grande de La Leona (7 name matches)
    note=Approximate location and elevation based on satellite imagery (primary BingSat), OpenSRTM and OpenTopo map.
    alt_name=Río Salinas Grande;Río Grande (14 name matches)
    waterway=river (OSM tag matches Wikidata or Wikipedia category)
    source:id=2853iii León - USGS OpenTopo map Series E751 Nicaragua 1:50k Nº E751X2853iii (1971)
    source:imagery=BingSat, ESRI, and other open satellite imagery available to OSM as of 2024

    wikidata match: Q21053988
​Reserva Natural Isla Juan Venado (Q6301128)
Summary from Svenska / Swedish Wikipedia (svwiki)

Isla Juan Venado är en ö och ett naturreservat i kommunen León i Nicaragua. Den långsmala ön sträcker sig längs Stilla havskusten. Sydsidan är en 18 kilometer lång sandstrand medan nordsidan består av ett ringlande vattendrag som sträcker sig från Las Peñitas till Salinas Grande. Ön är ungefär 10 km2 stor. Naturreservatet, som skapades 1983, är 46 km2, då det även inkluderar våtmarkerna innanför ön och havsområdet utanför.

  • relation: Reserva Natural Isla Juan Venado (OSM) exact location name match [show tags]
    name=Reserva Natural Isla Juan Venado (5 name matches)
    note=Approximate location and elevation based on satellite imagery (primary BingSat), OpenSRTM and OpenTopo map.
    alt_name=Isla Venado;Isla Juan Venado;Reserva Natural Juan Venado (9 name matches)
    boundary=protected_area (OSM tag matches Wikidata or Wikipedia category)
    source:id=2753ii Corinto - USGS OpenTopo map Series E751 Nicaragua 1:50k Nº E751X27532 (1971)
    source:imagery=BingSat, ESRI, and other open satellite imagery available to OSM as of 2024

    wikidata match: Q6301128
Estero La Garita (Q21053753)
  • relation: Estero La Garita (OSM) 2 m from Wikidata name match [show tags]
    name=Estero La Garita (15 name matches)
    note=Approximate location and elevation based on satellite imagery (primary BingSat), OpenSRTM and OpenTopo map.
    estuary=yes (OSM tag matches Wikidata or Wikipedia category)
    natural=bay (OSM tag matches Wikidata or Wikipedia category)
    alt_name=Estero Real La Garita;Estero Garita (29 name matches)
    source:id=2852iv Puerto Sandino - USGS OpenTopo map Series E751 Nicaragua 1:50k Nº E751X28524 (1984)
    source:imagery=BingSat, ESRI, and other open satellite imagery available to OSM as of 2024

    wikidata match: Q21053753
Isla Juan Venado (Q21054034)
  • relation: Isla del Venado (OSM) exact location name match [show tags]
    name=Isla del Venado (8 name matches)
    note=Approximate location and elevation based on satellite imagery (primary BingSat), OpenSRTM and OpenTopo map.
    place=island (OSM tag matches Wikidata or Wikipedia category)
    alt_name=Isla Venado;Isla Juan Venado (8 name matches)
    source:id=USGS 1:50k OpenTopo map Nicaragua 1:50 Series E751 Nº indicated on each segment
    source:imagery=BingSat, ESRI, and other open satellite imagery available to OSM as of 2024

    wikidata match: Q21054034