Anthony Island (Haida: SG̱ang Gwaay) is an island located in the southern part of Haida Gwaii, off the North Coast of British Columbia, Canada, to the west of Kunghit Island, the archipelago's southernmost. Anthony Island is noted for being the location of the ruins of SkungWai or SG̱ang Gwaay Llnaagay, commonly called Ninstints after the reigning mid-19th Century chief there. SG̱ang Gwaay Llnagaay was a major village of the Kunghit Haida people.
Lyell Island, known also in the Haida language as Athlii Gwaii, is a large island in the Haida Gwaii archipelago on the North Coast of British Columbia, Canada. It is located on the east side of Moresby Island, just south of Laskeek Bay. The island is a part of the Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve and Haida Heritage Site.
Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, National Marine Conservation Area, and Haida Heritage Site, usually referred to simply as Gwaii Haanas (), is located in southernmost Haida Gwaii (formerly known as Queen Charlotte Islands), 130 kilometres (81 miles) off the mainland of British Columbia, Canada. Gwaii Haanas protects an archipelago of 138 islands, the largest being Moresby Island and the southernmost being Kunghit Island. "Gwaii Haanas" means "Islands of Beauty" in X̱aayda kíl, a southern dialect of the Haida language.
Burnaby Island is an island in Haida Gwaii off the north coast of British Columbia, Canada, located off the southeast coast of Moresby Island. It is part of the Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve and Haida Heritage Site.
Houston Stewart Channel is a strait in Haida Gwaii, British Columbia, Canada. It separates Moresby Island and Kunghit Island.
Richardson Island är en ö i Kanada. Den ligger i North Coast Regional District och provinsen British Columbia, i den sydvästra delen av landet, 4 100 km väster om huvudstaden Ottawa. Arean är 9,6 kvadratkilometer.
Tanu Island är en ö i Kanada. Den ligger i ögruppen Haida Gwaii i North Coast Regional District och provinsen British Columbia, i den sydvästra delen av landet, 4 100 km väster om huvudstaden Ottawa. Arean är 22 kvadratkilometer.
SG̱ang Gwaay Llnagaay ("Red Cod Island"), commonly known by its English name Ninstints, is a village site of the Haida people and part of the Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve and Haida Heritage Site on Haida Gwaii on the North Coast of British Columbia, Canada.
Ramsay Island är en ö i Kanada. Den ligger i North Coast Regional District och provinsen British Columbia, i den sydvästra delen av landet, 4 000 km väster om huvudstaden Ottawa. Arean är 16 kvadratkilometer.