Match: Q541166 + way/1040617760

Wikidata location: 51.4622, -0.3172 view on OSM

Match details

OSM tag name=Richmond Lock Footbridge matches Richmond Lock and Footbridge in these Wikidata fields:

  • label: en
  • label: sk
  • label: en-ca
  • label: en-gb
  • label: it
  • sitelink: commonswiki
  • sitelink: enwiki
  • sitelink: itwiki
  • sitelink: skwiki
  • commonscat: None
  • extract: enwiki

Search criteria from categories

Bridges completed in 1894 bridge, building=bridge, man_made=bridge, type=bridge
Former toll bridges in England bridge, building=bridge, man_made=bridge, type=bridge
Grade II* listed bridges in England bridge, building=bridge, man_made=bridge, type=bridge
Locks of London lock=yes
Locks on the River Thames lock=yes
Pedestrian bridges across the River Thames bridge, building=bridge, man_made=bridge, type=bridge
Pedestrian bridges in London bridge, building=bridge, man_made=bridge, type=bridge
Tourist attractions in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames tourism=attraction, tourism=museum