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Match: Q651739 + way/39466335
Barnet and Southgate College (Q651739)
Barnet & Southgate College (Wood Street Centre)
(way 39466335)
matcher place:
London Borough of Barnet
(relation 51831),
(relation 65606)
Wikidata and OSM
exact location match
English Wikipedia categories:
2011 establishments in England
Education in the London Borough of Barnet
Education in the London Borough of Enfield
Educational institutions established in 2011
Further education colleges in London
Further education colleges in the Collab Group
Southgate, London
Wood Street, Chipping Barnet
Tags from Wikidata and Wikipedia: amenity=college, amenity=research_institute, amenity=school, building=college, government=culture, site=college, type=site
Wikidata location: 51.6521, -0.2006
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Search criteria from categories
Further education colleges in London
building=college, type=site, amenity=college, site=college
Further education colleges in the Collab Group
building=college, type=site, amenity=college, site=college