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Match: Q926214 + relation/51902
Greenwich Peninsula (Q926214)
Royal Borough of Greenwich
(relation 51902)
matcher place:
Royal Borough of Greenwich
(relation 51902),
(relation 65606)
Wikidata and OSM
exact location match
Wikimedia Commons
English Wikipedia categories:
Districts of London on the River Thames
Districts of the Royal Borough of Greenwich
Geography of the Royal Borough of Greenwich
Peninsulas of England
Port of London
Redevelopment projects in London
Tags from Wikidata and Wikipedia: admin_level, boundary=administrative, landuse=residential, natural=peninsula, place
Wikidata location: 51.4981, 0.0063
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Match detail not available.
Search criteria from categories
Districts of London on the River Thames
boundary=administrative, landuse=residential, place, admin_level
Districts of the Royal Borough of Greenwich
boundary=administrative, landuse=residential, place, admin_level