
Esmeraldas, Ecuador
category: boundary — type: administrative — OSM: relation 113237

Items with no match found in OSM

62 items

Refugio de Vida Silvestre La Chiquita (Q108328830)
item type: conservation area
Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Das Refugio de Vida Silvestre La Chiquita befindet sich unweit der Pazifikküste im äußersten Nordwesten von Ecuador. Das 8,09 km² große Schutzgebiet wurde am 21. November 2002 mittels Acuerdo Ministerial N° 149 sowie dem Registro Oficial Nº 11 vom 30. Januar 2003 eingerichtet.

San Juan River (Q23683923)
item type: river
Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Der Río San Juan ist ein etwa 140 km langer rechter Nebenfluss des Río Mira im westlichen Grenzgebiet von Ecuador und Kolumbien.

1958 Ecuador-Colombia earthquake (Q4569282)
item type: earthquake
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The 1958 Ecuador–Colombia earthquake struck the coastal regions of Ecuador and Colombia on January 19 with a surface wave magnitude of 7.6 at 9:07 local time. Approximately 30 percent of Esmeraldas (Ecuador) was destroyed, including the children's department of the hospital, where three children died. At least 111 persons died and 45 were injured as a result of the earthquake. Water mains were broken and power transmission lines were damaged. The Esmeraldas-Quito highway collapsed at many places. Many other roads of the country were made impassable by cracks and fallen trees. According to press reports, a landslide from the slopes of the Andes at Panado village buried a hundred people. The earthquake was destructive in the cities on the northern coast of the country and was strong from Latacunga to Quito, Ibarra and Tulcán. It was felt at Guayaquil.

Refugio de Vida Silvestre Manglares Estuario Río Esmeraldas (Q108331273)
item type: conservation area
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

El Refugio de Vida Silvestre Manglares Estuario Río Esmeraldas (RVSMERE), es un área protegida localizada al noroeste del Ecuador, en la cabecera cantonal de la provincia de Esmeraldas y la parroquia de Tachina; en la desembocadura del río Esmeraldas.[1]

San José del Cayapas (Q111310552)
item type: parroquia / parish of Ecuador
Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

San José del Cayapas ist eine Ortschaft und eine Parroquia rural („ländliches Kirchspiel“) im Kanton Eloy Alfaro der ecuadorianischen Provinz Esmeraldas. Die Parroquia besitzt eine Fläche von 120,8 km². Die Einwohnerzahl lag im Jahr 2010 bei 1513.

Anchayacu (Q111310261)
item type: parroquia / parish of Ecuador
Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Anchayacu ist eine Ortschaft und eine Parroquia rural („ländliches Kirchspiel“) im Kanton Eloy Alfaro der ecuadorianischen Provinz Esmeraldas. Die Parroquia besitzt eine Fläche von 246,13 km². Die Einwohnerzahl lag im Jahr 2010 bei 2537.

1906 Ecuador-Colombia earthquake (Q4558519)
item type: earthquake
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The 1906 Ecuador–Colombia earthquake occurred at 10:36:10 (UTC+5) on Wednesday January 31, 1906 off the coast of Ecuador, near Esmeraldas. The earthquake had a moment magnitude of 8.8 and triggered a destructive tsunami that caused at least 500 casualties on the coast of Colombia.

Refugio de Vida Silvestre El Pambilar (Q108326310)
item type: protected area / conservation area
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

El Refugio de Vida Silvestre El Pambilar (RVSP), es un área protegida localizada al noroccidente del Ecuador, en la provincia de Esmeraldas, y pertenece a la parroquia Santo Domingo de Ónzo- le, en el sector Río Ónzole - El Pambilar; es considerado como un punto estratégico de conservación por la flora y fauna que albergan sus ecosistemas.[1]​ Además el 22 de junio de 1988 forma parte del "Patrimonio Forestal del Estado Ecuatoriano".[2]

Muisne River (Q6933276)
item type: river
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Muisne River is a river of Ecuador that enters the Pacific Ocean in the Esmeraldas Province.

Cabo San Francisco (Q111296110)
item type: parroquia / parish of Ecuador
Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Cabo San Francisco ist eine Ortschaft und eine Parroquia rural („ländliches Kirchspiel“) im Kanton Muisne der ecuadorianischen Provinz Esmeraldas. Die Parroquia besitzt eine Fläche von 188,56 km². Die Einwohnerzahl lag im Jahr 2010 bei 2809.

2016 Ecuador earthquake (Q23835355)
item type: earthquake
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The 2016 Ecuador earthquake occurred on April 16 at 18:58:37 ECT with a moment magnitude of 7.8 and a maximum Mercalli intensity of VIII (Severe). The very large thrust earthquake was centered approximately 27 km (17 mi) from the towns of Muisne and Pedernales in a sparsely populated part of the country, and 170 km (110 mi) from the capital Quito, where it was felt strongly. Regions of Manta, Pedernales and Portoviejo accounted for over 75 percent of total casualties. Manta's central commercial shopping district, Tarqui, was completely destroyed. There was widespread damage across Manabí Province, and structures hundreds of kilometres from the epicenter collapsing. At least 676 people were killed and 27,732 people injured. President Rafael Correa declared a state of emergency; 13,500 military personnel and police officers were dispatched for recovery operations.

Mache River (Q38250539)
item type: river
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Mache River is a river that enters the Pacific Ocean through the Cojimies Estuary on the north coast of Ecuador.