Quito Canton

Quito Canton, Pichincha, Ecuador
category: boundary — type: administrative — OSM: relation 113714

Items with no match found in OSM

661 items

Monjas River (Q6900547)
item type: river
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Monjas River ("Rio Monjas"; translation: Nun River) is located in Pichincha Province, Ecuador. It has been associated with environmental problems because of the discharge from nearby factories.

Zoológico de Quito (Q6171790)
item type: zoo
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

El Zoológico de Quito (también llamado Zoológico de Guayllabamba y Quito Zoo)[1]​ es el nombre que recibe un jardín zoológico ubicado en la parroquia de Guayllabamba que sirve a la ciudad de Quito, la capital Ecuador.

website: https://quitozoo.org/

Parroquia de Atahualpa (Q10965477)
item type: parish of Ecuador
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

Atahualpa-Habaspamba (más conocida como Atahualpa) es una parroquia que está ubicada en la parte norcentral del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, en la provincia de Pichincha.

Plaza de San Francisco (Q14054866)
item type: square
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Plaza de San Francisco (“Saint Francis Square”) is a major public square in the Historic Center of Quito, Ecuador, upon which faces La Iglesia y Monasterio de San Francisco (the Church and Convent of St. Francis) from which it takes its name.

Pomasqui Valley (Q7227229)
item type: valley
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Pomasqui Valley is a valley on the northern outskirts of Quito, Ecuador. It is located on the equator, the so-called "Mitad del Mundo" ("Middle of the World"), at an altitude of around 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) above sea level. Hot and semi-arid, it is formed by a river tributary. The valley contains the Cerro de Catequilla, which contains the pre-Columbian astronomical observatory, Catequilla. The village of Pomasqui itself lies roughly 6 kilometres (3.7 mi) from the equator. The Monjas River flows nearby and the valley is an important centre for viniculture in Ecuador, with vineyards. The economy features vegetable and fruit production. To the northwest is the Pululahua Geobotanical Reserve.

Maquipucuna (Q6754334)
item type: nature reserve / protected area
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Maquipucuna is a 6,000 hectare (14,820 acre) cloud forest reserve in Ecuador. Located in the Pichincha Province, it is the closest pristine rainforest to Quito, Ecuador's capital. The reserve consists of primary and secondary montane rain forest and cloud forest. The Maquipucuna Reserve is located in the parish of Nanegal, within the Metropolitan District of Quito.

history of Ecuador (1830–1860) (Q5775982)
item type: historical country / historical period / aspect of history
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The history of the Republic of Ecuador from 1830 to 1860 begins with the collapse of the nation of Gran Colombia in 1830, followed by the assassination of Antonio José de Sucre and the death of Simón Bolívar from tuberculosis the same year. Heartbroken at the dissolution of Gran Colombia, Bolívar is quoted to have said shortly before his death, "America is ungovernable. Those who have served the revolution have plowed the sea." These words would seem prophetic during the chaotic first thirty years in the existence of Ecuador.

Pululagua (Q2649143)
item type: mountain / caldera
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Pululahua is a dormant volcano in the north of Quito Canton, Pichincha Province, Ecuador. The volcano is in the Western Cordillera of the northern Ecuadorian Andes, approximately west-southwest of Mojanda and north of Casitahua volcanoes. Pululahua's caldera is approximately 5 km wide.

Cangahua Formation (Q65121062)
item type: formation
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Cangahua Formation is a Late Pleistocene (Lujanian in the SALMA classification) geologic formation of the Pichincha Province in north-central Ecuador.

Torre Urban Plaza (Q6150292)
item type: building
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

Torre Urban Plaza es un edificio de altura media de la ciudad de Quito D.M., en Ecuador. Está ubicado en el sector financiero de la avenida 12 de Octubre, en el barrio de La Floresta de la parroquia Iñaquito, en el centro-oriente de la ciudad. A pesar de sus apenas 16 pisos de altura sobresale en la silueta de la ciudad debido a su emplazamiento en una parte alta con respecto al centro financiero de La Carolina, mientras que su diseño vanguardista lo han convertido en un referente de la arquitectura moderna de la ciudad

Museo Solar Intiñán (Q21869596)
item type: museum
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

El Museo Solar Intiñán es un museo ubicado en la periferia de la ciudad de Quito, construido en el año 1989, alrededor de un par de chozas centenarias[cita requerida], y como una forma de rescatar la cultura de los pueblos equinocciales y de los indígenas Lulumbamba.[cita requerida]

Nanegalito (Q13190138)
item type: parish of Ecuador
Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Nanegalito ist eine Ortschaft und eine Parroquia rural („ländliches Kirchspiel“) im Kanton Quito der ecuadorianischen Provinz Pichincha. Die Parroquia Nanegalito gehört zur Verwaltungszone La Delicia. Die Parroquia besitzt eine Fläche von 124,7 km². Die Einwohnerzahl betrug im Jahr 2010 3026.

Republic of Quito (Q5483255)
item type: historical country
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

El Estado de Quito[3]​ fue un estado autodeterminado en forma de monarquía constitucional ubicado en la América del Sur. Existió entre el 15 de febrero de 1812, en que un congreso constituyente discutió y promulgó una constitución propia, y el 1 de diciembre del mismo año, en que los dispersos juntistas quiteños fueron derrotados en la Batalla de San Antonio de Ibarra. No tuvo reconocimiento internacional y su territorio efectivo consistía de una fracción de la antigua Real Audiencia de Quito, que formaba parte del Virreinato de la Nueva Granada.

HCJB (Q2126161)
item type: radio station
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

HCJB, "The Voice of the Andes", was the first radio station with daily programming in Ecuador and the first Christian missionary radio station in the world. The station was founded in 1931 by Clarence W. Jones, Reuben Larson, and D. Stuart Clark. HCJB now focuses on Ecuador with unified programming on FM at 89.3 MHz in Pichincha, at 92.5 MHz in Manabí, at 96.1 MHz in Tungurahua and Cotopaxi, at 98.3 MHz in Esmeraldas and with separate programming on AM at 690 kHz. Broadcasts in Spanish and indigenous languages on 6.05 MHz (1 kW), continue on an intermittent basis with a new solid state transmitter which in 2017 replaced an older (5 kW) transmitter. These broadcasts were not listed on the HCJB English website as of February 2016.

This item might be defunct. The English Wikipedia article is in these categories: Defunct mass media in Ecuador, Defunct shortwave radio stations
Ecuadors National Service of Intellectual Rights (Q5334378)
item type: business
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Ecuadorian Institute of Intellectual Property or (IEPI) is the only public agency in Ecuador, whose function is to ensure on behalf of the Ecuadorian State Intellectual Property Rights established in the Law, as in treaties and conventions, according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by United Nations Organization, recognizing it as a fundamental protection of intellectual creations.

website: https://www.derechosintelectuales.gob.ec/

Basílica El Quinche (Q63148167)
item type: minor basilica
Summary from Français / French Wikipedia (frwiki)

Le sanctuaire Notre-Dame-de-la-Présentation d'El Quinche est une église située dans la paroisse civile d'El Quinche (es) dans le Grand Quito en Équateur, à laquelle l'Église catholique donne les statuts de basilique mineure et de sanctuaire national. Elle est rattachée à l'archidiocèse de Quito.

Checa (Q13189388)
item type: parish of Ecuador
Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Checa ist ein östlicher Vorort der ecuadorianischen Hauptstadt Quito und eine Parroquia rural („ländliches Kirchspiel“) im Kanton Quito der Provinz Pichincha. Die Parroquia Checa gehört zur Verwaltungszone Tumbaco. Das Verwaltungsgebiet besitzt eine Fläche von 89,56 km². Die Einwohnerzahl betrug im Jahr 2010 8980.

1993 Copa América (Q842684)
item type: Copa América / sports season
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The 1993 Copa América was the 36th Copa América, CONMEBOL's football tournament for national teams. It was held in Ecuador between 15 June and 4 July. All 10 CONMEBOL members took part, but for the first time two nations from outside CONMEBOL were invited to take part in the tournament, to round out the format. Mexico and the United States, both of CONCACAF, were the invited teams for this tournament. Argentina defeated Mexico in the final 2–1 to win their record 14th continental championship, also their last senior title until 2021.

Quito trolleybus system (Q609749)
item type: bus rapid transit / trolleybus system
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Quito trolleybus system is a bus rapid transit line located in Quito, Ecuador, which opened in 1995 and by 2002 was carrying approximately 220,000 passengers per day. It is managed by an agency of the municipality known as Empresa Metropolitana de Servicios y Administración del Transporte (EMSAT) and is operated by Compañía Trolebús Quito, S.A. The service is named (informally) El Trole, Spanish for "The Trolley", meaning trolleybus; this name is shown on signage at stops, and is used in publicity and marketing. Before being a subsystem of a larger bus rapid transit system of Quito known as MetrobusQ, El Trole was itself a whole system. Its formal name is Corredor Trole or; simply Trole, currently.

website: http://www.trolebus.gob.ec/

Guápulo (Q1557674)
item type: city district
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Guápulo is a district of Quito, Ecuador, also called an electoral parish (parroquia electoral urbana). The parish was established as a result of the October 2004 political elections when the city was divided into 19 urban electoral parishes. Set behind Hotel Quito, the neighborhood of Guápulo runs down the winding Camino de Orellana, from González Suárez to Calle de los Conquistadores, the main road out of Quito and to the neighboring suburbs. Often considered an artsy, bohemian neighborhood of Quito, Guápulo is home to many local artists and a couple of hippy cafés/bars. Every year on September 7 the guapuleños honor their neighborhood with the Fiestas de Guápulo, a fantastic celebration complete with costumes, parade, food, drink, song, dance, and fireworks.

El Panecillo (Q1871347)
item type: mountain
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

El Panecillo (from Spanish panecillo small piece of bread, diminutive of pan bread) is a 200-metre-high hill of volcanic-origin, with loess soil, located between southern and central Quito. Its peak is at an elevation of 3,016 metres (9,895 ft) above sea level. The original name used by the aboriginal inhabitants of Quito was Yavirac. According to Juan de Velasco, a Jesuit historian, there was a temple on top of Yavirac where the Indians worshiped the sun until it was destroyed by the Spanish conquistadores. The street that leads up to El Panecillo is named after Melchor Aymerich.

National Archives of Ecuador (Q2860556)
item type: national archives
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The National Archives of Ecuador (Spanish: Archivo Nacional del Ecuador) was created on 17 January 1884, under the auspices of President José María Plácido Caamaño. The present organizational structure was created in 1938. The National Archives is located in Quito, with a branch in San Juan de Ambato.

website: http://www.ane.gov.ec/

Ecuador Department (Q3044676)
item type: department of Gran Colombia
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Ecuador Department was one of the departments of Gran Colombia created in 1824.

La Libertad, Quito (Q9018667)
item type: human settlement
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

La Libertad is an urban parish in the city of Quito, Ecuador. It is located in the southern part of the city, just south of the city center and on the slopes of the Pichincha volcano.

Estadio El Ejido (Q8842796)
item type: sports venue
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Estadio El Ejido was a multi-use stadium in Quito, Ecuador that was primarily used for football matches. It served as the home ground for all the Quito-based, including Aucas, Deportivo Quito, and LDU Quito. It had a capacity for 20,000. Estadio Olímpico Atahualpa replaced it as the premier football stadium in the city in 1962. The stadium closed in 1965 and was subsequently demolished in 1966. Parque El Arbolito, located at Avenida 6 de Diciembre and Tarqui, is the location of where the stadium used to stand.

This item might be defunct. The English Wikipedia article is in these categories: Defunct football venues in Ecuador, Sports venues demolished in 1966
Santa Prisca, Quito (Q7419830)
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Santa Prisca is an electoral parish (parroquia electorale urban) or district of Quito, the capital city of Ecuador. The parish was established as a result of the October 2004 political elections when the city was divided into 19 urban electoral parishes.

Basílica de Nuestra Señora de la Merced (Q18326422)
item type: church building
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Basilica of Nuestra Señora de la Merced, is a Catholic temple located in the Historic Center of the city of Quito, capital of Ecuador. It is the first church and headquarters of the Mercedarian Order in the country, and for this reason it bears the title of Basilica.

San Blas, Quito (Q7413474)
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

San Blas is an electoral parish Parish (administrative division) (parroquia electorale urban) or district of Quito. The parish was established as a result of the October 2004 political elections when the city was divided into 19 urban electoral parishes.

Alfaro, Quito (Q4721880)
item type: city district
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Alfaro is an electoral urban parish or district of Quito, Ecuador. The parish was established as a result of the October 2004 political elections, when the city was divided into 19 electoral urban parishes.

Basilica of the National Vow (Q4868435)
item type: church building
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Basilica of the National Vow (Spanish: Basílica del Voto Nacional) is a Roman Catholic church located in the historic center of Quito, Ecuador. It is the largest neo-Gothic basilica in the Americas.

website: http://arquidiocesisdequito.com.ec/index.php/parroquias/vicaria-santa-mariana-de-jesus/zona-pastoral-quito-colonial-el-sagrario/280-sagrado-corazon-de-jesus-basilica-del-voto-nacional

Casitahua (Q5048949)
item type: geographical feature
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Casitahua (less frequent spelling: Casitagua) is a dormant, eroded volcano in the north of Quito Canton, Pichincha Province, Ecuador. The volcano is in the Western Cordillera of the northern Ecuadorian Andes, between Pululagua Volcano to the north and Pichincha Volcano approximately to the southwest. Casitahua's caldera is open approximately towards the west-northwest.

Apostolic Nunciature to Ecuador (Q3667947)
item type: apostolic nunciature
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Apostolic Nunciature to Ecuador is an ecclesiastical office of the Catholic Church in Ecuador. It is a diplomatic post of the Holy See, whose representative is called the Apostolic Nuncio with the rank of an ambassador.

Street address: Orellana E10-03 o 692 y 6 de Diciembre (from Wikidata)

Chaupicruz (Q5088355)
item type: geographical feature
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Chaupicruz is an electoral parish (Spanish: parroquia electorale urban) or district of Quito, the capital city of Ecuador in northwestern South America. The parish was established as a result of the October 2004 political elections when the city was divided into 19 urban electoral parishes.

Chillogallo (Q5099109)
item type: human settlement
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Chillogallo is an urban parish of the city of Quito, Ecuador. It is located in the southern part of the city.

Cinemateca Nacional del Ecuador (Q22671183)
item type: cinematheque
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Cinemateca Nacional del Ecuador is a film archive located in Ecuador. It was established in 1981 and the collection comprises 4000 films and 10,000 documents.

website: http://www.cinematecaecuador.com

Gustavo Orcés V. Natural History Museum (Q6034022)
item type: museum
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Gustavo Orcés V. Natural History Museum (Spanish: Museo de Historia Natural Gustavo Orcés V.) is a natural history museum in Quito, Ecuador. It was established in 2005.

Fundación Ecuatoriana Equidad (Q5508905)
item type: non-governmental organization
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Fundación Ecuatoriana Equidad was created on October 10, 2000. It is not a federal government program but is a non-profit organization. The organization maintains two main goals. One goal of the organization is to achieve social and political rights for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender people, and people who identify as intersexual. Another goal for the organization is sexual health advocacy. The foundation was started because homosexuals were incarcerated due to a criminalization of sexual activity between people of the same sex by the government.

website: http://www.equidadglbti.com

Quito Botanical Gardens (Q5926850)
item type: botanical garden
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Quito Botanical Garden (Spanish: Jardín Botánico de Quito) is a park, botanical garden, arboretum and greenhouse of 18,600 square meters in the city of Quito, Ecuador. It houses species of plants of the country (Ecuador is among the 17 richest countries in the world in native botanical species, an updated study on the classified Ecuadorian flora determined the existence of 17,000 species).

Benjamín Carrión Palace (Q6057593)
item type: building
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Benjamín Carrión Palace (Spanish: Palacio Benjamín Carrión) is a palace and museum in Quito, Ecuador. Named after Benjamín Carrión, a diplomat, cultural promoter, and an Ecuadorian writer. The palace was built in 1946–8. The building is located in the district of Itchimbía, near the border with La Mariscal. Its south side is adjacent to El Arbolito and was one of the first structures completed in the complex of buildings which create the Cultural Center of Ecuador.

National Ecuadorian Exposition (Q5853495)
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The National Ecuadorian Exposition was a world's fair held in Quito in 1909 to mark 100 years since the start of the campaign for Ecuadorian independence from Spain.

This item might be defunct. The English Wikipedia article is in these categories: 1909 disestablishments
Municipality of Quito (Q6032748)
item type: local government
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Municipality of Quito (officially the Municipality of the Metropolitan District of Quito) is the governing body of the city of Quito and the Metropolitan District. Its headquarters are at the Municipal Palace, located on the east side of the Plaza de La Independencia

website: http://www.quito.gob.ec

El Salvador, Quito (Q5352074)
item type: neighborhood
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

El Salvador is an electoral parish (parroquia electorale urban) or district of Quito, the capital city of Ecuador. The parish was established as a result of the October 2004 political elections when the city was divided into 19 urban electoral parishes.

Universidad Internacional SEK (Q6156485)
item type: university
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Universidad Internacional SEK is an Ecuadorian university that has campuses in Ecuador, Chile and Spain.

website: https://www.uisek.edu.ec/es

Embassy of Colombia, Quito (Q5369643)
item type: embassy
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Street address: Av. 12 de Octubre N° 24 – 528 (from Wikidata)

website: https://ecuador.embajada.gov.co/

Unidad educativa Mejia (Q6041382)
item type: secondary school
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Instituto Nacional Mejía is a public secondary educational institution of Quito. It was founded on June 1, 1897 by Eloy Alfaro Delgado, then president of Ecuador.

Murder of María Belén Bernal (Q114056192)
item type: murder
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

In September 2022 the Murder of María Belén Bernal and presumed femicide gained national importance and the case was debated in Ecuador's National Assembly. Her husband was sentenced to over 34 years in 2023.

Church and monastery of El Carmen Alto, Quito (Q115804880)
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Church and monastery of El Carmen Alto is a Catholic complex of convent, church and chapels built in the historic center of the city of Quito, capital of Ecuador, on calle García Moreno, formerly known as De las Siete Cruces, on the corner of Rocafuerte.

Shrine of the Virgin of Guápulo (Q115817194)
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Church and Monastery of Our Lady of Guápulo was the first Marian shrine in what is now the Republic of Ecuador, founded in 1620 in Guápulo, a beautiful corner located northeast of the city of Quito, the capital of the country, located at 2,690 meters above sea level. Friar Juan de Dios Navas affirmed that this Shrine is one of the best relics inherited from the Colony. The image of the Virgin of Guápulo was the model used for the sculpture of Our Lady of El Cisne and also that of El Quinche.

Cubana de Aviación Flight 389 (Q6164961)
item type: aviation accident
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Cubana de Aviación Flight 389 (CU389/CUB389) was a scheduled international passenger flight, flying from the former Mariscal Sucre International Airport in Quito to Havana's José Martí International Airport, with a stopover at Simón Bolívar International Airport in Guayaquil, operated by Cuban flag carrier Cubana de Aviación.

Parque Julio Montevelle (Q7139638)
item type: park
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Parque Julio Montevelle is a park in the Old Centre part of Quito, Ecuador. It is located north of Parque de La Basílica and northwest of Parque La Alameda.

La Magdalena, Quito (Q6463600)
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

La Magdalena is an electoral parish (parroquia electorale urban) or district of Quito, the capital city of Ecuador. The parish was established as a result of the October 2004 political elections when the city was divided into 19 urban electoral parishes.

La Vicentina (Q6465728)
item type: urban district
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

La Vicentina is an electoral parish (Spanish: parroquia electorale urban) or district of Quito, Ecuador. The parish was established as a result of the October 2004 political elections when the city was divided into nineteen urban electoral parishes.

Old Mariscal Sucre International Airport (Q7376063)
item type: international airport
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Mariscal Sucre International Airport (IATA: UIO, ICAO: SEQU) was the main international airport that served Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador. It was the busiest airport in Ecuador by passenger traffic, by aircraft movement and by cargo movement, and one of the busiest airports in South America. It was named after Venezuelan-born Antonio José de Sucre, a hero of Ecuadorian and Latin American independence. It began operations on August 5, 1960, and during its last years of operation, handled about 6.2 million passengers and 164,000 metric tons of freight per year. The airport, one of the highest in the world (at 2,800 metres or 9,200 feet AMSL) was located in the northern part of the city, in the Chaupicruz parish, within five minutes of Quito's financial center; the terminals were located at the intersection of Amazonas and La Prensa avenues. Mariscal Sucre International was the largest hub for TAME with an average of 50 daily departures.

IATA airport code: UIO; website: http://www.aeropuertoquito.aero/index.php?lang=en; ICAO airport code: SEQQ

This item might be defunct. The English Wikipedia article is in these categories: 2013 disestablishments in Ecuador, Defunct airports in Ecuador
Parque de La Basílica (Q7139684)
item type: park
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Parque Gabriel García Moreno is a park in the Old Centre part of Quito, Ecuador. It is near the Basílica del Voto Nacional. It is located south of Parque Julio Montevelle and west of Parque La Alameda.

National Library of Ecuador (Q27231114)
item type: national library
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The National Library of Ecuador (Spanish: Biblioteca Nacional del Ecuador "Eugenio Espejo") is located in Quito, Ecuador. The library is named after the writer and lawyer Eugenio Espejo.

website: http://biblioteca.casadelacultura.gob.ec/

Working Boy Center (Q28136578)
item type: organization
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Working Boys' Center (Centro del Muchacho Trabajador: CMT), also known as the Center for Working Families, is a facility in Quito, founded by the Society of Jesus in 1964. It offers social programs for the human and economic development of working boys (and girls since 1974) and their families. Its stated aim is to give working children help to escape from extreme poverty and to gain control of their own lives. CMT states its approach to achieving this is by providing education for the working children and for their families, together with meals, health services, housing assistance, loans to start up microbusinesses, and cultural enhancement.

website: http://www.centromuchachotrabajador.org

Assassination of Fernando Villavicencio (Q121334219)
item type: assassination
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

On 9 August 2023, eleven days before the 2023 Ecuadorian general election, presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio was assassinated after leaving a campaign rally in Quito, the capital of Ecuador. One assailant was killed during the attack. Several bystanders, including security personnel and a legislative candidate, were injured.

embassy of the United States in Ecuador (Q105585313)
item type: embassy
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Embassy of the United States in Quito is the diplomatic mission of the United States of America in Ecuador.

Street address: Avenida De Las Avigiras E12-170 y Avenida Eloy Alfaro (from Wikidata)

website: https://ec.usembassy.gov

Obelisco de la Vicentina (Q124247140)
item type: historic site
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Obelisco de la Vicentina is a monument built in 1951 located in the La Vicentina neighborhood of Quito, Ecuador. It's considered one of La Vicentina's best-known landmarks.

2024 raid on the Mexican embassy in Ecuador (Q125357728)
item type: search and seizure / international incident / arrest
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

On 5 April 2024, the Mexican embassy in Quito was raided by Ecuadorian police and military forces. Mexico and numerous other countries decried the raid as a violation of the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the 1954 Caracas Convention on Diplomatic Asylum.

Instituto Nacional Meteorologia e Hidrologia (Q6041375)
item type: meteorological service
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Instituto Nacional Meteorologia e Hidrologia (INAMHI) is the national meteorological agency of Ecuador.

website: http://www.serviciometeorologico.gob.ec

National Assembly (Q1319595)
item type: parliament / unicameral legislature
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The National Assembly (Spanish: Asamblea Nacional) is the unicameral legislature of Ecuador. It replaced the National Congress in 2009 following reforms under the 2008 Constitution. Within Ecuador, the National Assembly has the power to pass laws, while appointment of judges to the National Court of Justice is done by a separate Judicial Council.

website: https://www.asambleanacional.gob.ec/

CNT EP (Q5013202)
item type: business
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Corporación Nacional de Telecomunicaciones, CNT EP is the public telecommunications company in Ecuador that offers fixed telephony services local, regional and international, Internet Access (Dial-Up, DSL, mobile Internet), satellite television and mobile telephony in Ecuadorian territory.

website: http://www.cnt.gob.ec/

Dirección de la Industria Aeronáutica Ecuador (Q5280213)
item type: business
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Directorate of the Aeronautics Industry (DIAF) is a company affiliated to the Ecuadorian Air Force General Command, specializing in aircraft maintenance services, electronic maintenance, research and modernization of civil and military aircraft to Ecuador and Latin America. Since its establishment on 15 June 1992, thanks to its efficient work, it is one of the biggest companies within the field in the country, thus represents a significant contribution to the development of domestic aviation market.

website: https://diaf.gob.ec

Ecuador National Museum of Medicine (Q5334343)
item type: national museum
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Ecuador National Museum of Medicine is located in Quito, Ecuador.

Ministry of Defense (Q6867384)
item type: defence ministry / ministry of Ecuador
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of Ecuador is the ministry responsible for national defense and is responsible for all three branches of the Military of Ecuador. It is Ecuador's ministry of defense.

website: http://www.defensa.gob.ec/

Monument to Independence (Q6023134)
item type: monument
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

El Monumento a la Independencia, conocido también como Monumento a los Héroes del 10 de agosto de 1809, es una columna conmemorativa ubicada en la ciudad de Quito D.M. que se encuentra emplazada en el centro de la Plaza Grande, siendo su elemento más importante y el que da su nombre a la Plaza. Se levanta a la memoria de los patriotas quiteños que iniciaron las luchas por la independencia en el Ecuador. Fue inaugurado en 1906 para recordar el llamado Primer grito de independencia hispanoamericana por el entonces presidente, general Eloy Alfaro Delgado. Constituye uno de los íconos más importantes del Centro Histórico de la ciudad y del país; además de un importante sitio de concentración política por encontrarse frente al Palacio de Carondelet, sede del gobierno ecuatoriano.

Embassy of the State of Palestine, Quito (Q29512291)
item type: embassy

Street address: Alberto Guerrero Nº 34-13 y Federico Páez (from Wikidata)

Embassy of Venezuela, Quito (Q79863989)
item type: embassy

Street address: Av. Amazonas N 30-240 (from Wikidata)

Embassy of Italy, Quito (Q79951919)
item type: embassy

Street address: La Isla N26-25 y Humberto Albornoz, Quito (from Wikidata)

website: https://ambquito.esteri.it

embassy of Switzerland in Ecuador (Q101242979)
item type: embassy

Street address: Avenida Amazonas N35-17 y Juan Pablo Sanz (from Wikidata)

website: https://www.eda.admin.ch/quito

embassy of Canada in Ecuador (Q104372772)
item type: embassy

Street address: Av. Amazonas N37-29 (from Wikidata)

website: https://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/ecuador-equateur

embassy of Spain in Ecuador (Q105105327)
item type: embassy

Street address: Calle Francisco Salazar E12-73 (from Wikidata)

website: http://www.exteriores.gob.es/Embajadas/QUITO

embassy of Brazil in Ecuador (Q105810351)
item type: embassy

Street address: Avenida Amazonas y José Arízaga, Edifício Amazonas Plaza (from Wikidata)

website: http://quito.itamaraty.gov.br

Embassy of Costa Rica, Quito (Q107465145)
item type: embassy

Street address: El Batán E10-37 y Av. 06 de Diciembre, Edificio Arezú , piso 6, oficina 602, 17504 Quito (from Wikidata)

embassy of Indonesia in Ecuador (Q107529687)
item type: embassy

Street address: Quiteno Libre E15-84, Bellavista (from Wikidata)

website: https://kemlu.go.id/quito

Embassy of Japan, Quito (Q107637861)
item type: embassy

Street address: Avenida Amazonas N39-123 y José Arízaga (from Wikidata)

website: https://www.ec.emb-japan.go.jp

Tercer Milenio (Q108028982)
item type: LGBT historic place / LGBT nightclub
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

Tercer Milenio (más conocida como El Hueco) es una discoteca ecuatoriana dirigida al público LGBT. Fue creada a finales de la década de 1970 con el nombre de Footloose,[1]​ con lo que se convirtió en la primera discoteca LGBT de la ciudad de Quito.[2][3][4]​ A lo largo de su historia ha tenido otros nombres, como Bohemios o Evolution.[5][1]

Embassy of Turkey, Quito (Q109534213)
item type: embassy

Street address: Avenida Portugal E12-33 (from Wikidata)

website: http://kito.be.mfa.gov.tr

embassy of Russia in Ecuador (Q109930812)
item type: embassy

Street address: Reina Victoria 462 y Ramón Roca (from Wikidata)

website: https://ecuador.mid.ru

embassy of Argentina in Ecuador (Q110219843)
item type: embassy

Street address: Av. Amazonas N.21-147 y Roca (from Wikidata)

website: https://eecua.cancilleria.gob.ar

embassy of Chile in Ecuador (Q110314637)
item type: embassy

Street address: Juan Pablo Sanz 3617 (from Wikidata)

website: https://chile.gob.cl/ecuador

embassy of Paraguay in Ecuador (Q110509373)
item type: embassy

Street address: Av. 12 de Octubre Nº 24-584 y Francisco Salazar, Edificio Torre Sol Verde (from Wikidata)

website: https://www.mre.gov.py/embapar-ecuador/

embassy of Bolivia in Ecuador (Q110607067)
item type: embassy

Street address: Avenida Eloy Alfaro 2432 (from Wikidata)

embassy of Uruguay in Ecuador (Q110629498)
item type: embassy

Street address: Avenida 6 de Diciembre 2816 (from Wikidata)

embassy of Peru in Ecuador (Q110648159)
item type: embassy

Street address: Avenida Republica de El Salvador 495 E (from Wikidata)

website: https://www.gob.pe/embajada-del-peru-en-ecuador

embassy of Iran in Ecuador (Q110735661)
item type: embassy

Street address: José Queri E 14-43 (from Wikidata)

website: https://quito.mfa.ir/

Embassy of Algeria, Quito (Q110738479)
item type: embassy

Street address: C / del Garrón Lote 100 B y Platero (from Wikidata)

Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Quito (Q110738810)
item type: embassy

Street address: Av. Atahualpa 349 (from Wikidata)

website: http://ec.china-embassy.org

embassy of South Korea in Ecuador (Q110739654)
item type: embassy

Street address: Av. Amazonas N37-29 (from Wikidata)

website: https://overseas.mofa.go.kr/ec-es/index.do, https://overseas.mofa.go.kr/ec-ko/index.do

embassy of Cuba in Ecuador (Q110739742)
item type: embassy

Street address: Mercurio 365 (from Wikidata)

website: http://www.cubadiplomatica.cu/ecuador

embassy of Egypt in Ecuador (Q110748561)
item type: embassy

Street address: Avenida Tarqui E 4 – 56 (from Wikidata)

embassy of Guatemala in Ecuador (Q110749176)
item type: embassy

Street address: Avenida Naciones Unidas E2-30 (from Wikidata)

embassy of Honduras in Ecuador (Q110757350)
item type: embassy

Street address: Calle Hernado Sarmiento n-3996 (from Wikidata)

embassy of Hungary in Ecuador (Q110757436)
item type: embassy

Street address: Edificio MultiApoyo, Pedro Ponce Carrasco E9 25 (from Wikidata)

website: https://quito.mfa.gov.hu

embassy of Israel in Ecuador (Q110769743)
item type: embassy

Street address: Av. La Coruña E25-58 y San Ignacio (from Wikidata)

website: https://embassies.gov.il/quito

embassy of Lebanon in Ecuador (Q110770019)
item type: embassy

Street address: Avenida La Coruña N31-131, Edificio Malta (from Wikidata)

embassy of Mexico in Ecuador (Q110780832)
item type: embassy

Street address: Av. 6 de Diciembre N36-165 y Naciones Unidas (from Wikidata)

website: https://embamex.sre.gob.mx/ecuador

Embassy of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Quito (Q110780952)
item type: embassy

Street address: Jorge Washington E8-35 y Av.6 de Diciembre (from Wikidata)

embassy of Panama in Ecuador (Q110796691)
item type: embassy

Street address: Germán Alemán E. 12-92 y Arroyo del Río (from Wikidata)

embassy of the Dominican Republic in Ecuador (Q110797347)
item type: embassy

Street address: Germán Alemán E12-25 (from Wikidata)

website: https://embajadadominicanaecuador.com/

embassy of Qatar in Ecuador (Q110797483)
item type: embassy

Street address: Urbanizacion El Condado, Calle A Lote 520 (from Wikidata)

website: https://quito.embassy.qa

Embassy of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Quito (Q110814883)
item type: embassy

Street address: Francisco de Nates N42-274 (from Wikidata)

Sucre National Theater (Q2398793)
item type: theatre building
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

El Teatro Nacional Sucre es uno de los más antiguos teatros de ópera de Sudamérica y de la ciudad de Quito, además de ser el más prestigioso teatro del Ecuador. Fue construido entre 1879 y 1886 por orden del presidente Ignacio de Veintimilla, siguiendo un modelo de inspiración europea, pues se trata de un teatro a la italiana. Cuando fue inaugurado gobernaba la República José María Plácido Caamaño.

website: http://www.teatrosucre.org/

Legislative Palace of Ecuador (Q22269765)
item type: parliament building
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

El Palacio Legislativo de Ecuador es el edificio donde desarrolla sus actividades la Asamblea Nacional, órgano legislativo de la República del Ecuador. El edificio se encuentra ubicado en el límite norte de la parroquia Centro Histórico de la ciudad de Quito, en una manzana de 25.200m² de superficie,[1]​ limitada por la calle Juan Montalvo (ingreso principal), la avenida Gran Colombia y las calles 6 de Diciembre y Piedrahita.[2]

Panopticon (Q23759598)
item type: museum / prison
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

El Antiguo Penal García Moreno fue una prisión panóptica ecuatoriana, actualmente museo, construida en el gobierno de Gabriel García Moreno y diseñada por el arquitecto danés Thomas Reed. Se inauguró en junio de 1875, como Penitenciaría Nacional, y cerró el 30 de abril de 2014, siendo reemplazada por la Cárcel de Latacunga. Reabierta como museo el 19 de diciembre de 2014.[1]

Embassy of France to Quito (Q1601734)
item type: embassy
Summary from Français / French Wikipedia (frwiki)

L'ambassade de France en Équateur est la représentation diplomatique de la République française auprès de la république de l'Équateur. Elle est située à Quito, la capitale du pays, et son ambassadeur est, depuis 2021, Frédéric Desagneaux (d).

Street address: Avenida 6 de Diciembre y Juan Boussingault (from Wikidata)

website: http://www.ambafrance-ec.org/

Embassy of the United Kingdom, Quito (Q5369950)
item type: embassy

Street address: Citiplaza Building, Naciones Unidas Avenue and República de El Salvador (from Wikidata)

website: https://www.gov.uk/world/organisations/british-embassy-in-ecuador

Secretariat of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (Q10865837)
item type: organization / government agency
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

La Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (Senescyt) es la entidad del gobierno ecuatoriano que ejerce la rectoría de la política pública en los ejes de su competencia. Tiene como misión coordinar acciones entre la Función Ejecutiva y las instituciones del Sistema de Educación Superior. Fue creada en el 2007 por el presidente Rafael Correa.

website: http://www.educacionsuperior.gob.ec/

Embassy of Germany, Quito (Q58581912)
item type: embassy
Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Die Deutsche Botschaft Quito ist die diplomatische Vertretung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in der Republik Ecuador.

Street address: Avenida Naciones Unidas y República de El Salvador, Edificio „Citiplaza“ (from Wikidata)

website: https://quito.diplo.de

Embassy of El Salvador in Quito (Q73436065)
item type: embassy

Street address: Avenida República de El Salvador y calle Suecia, Edificio DELTA 890, 6to piso, Quito, Ecuador (from Wikidata)

website: http://embajadaecuador.rree.gob.sv

Embassy of Haiti, Quito (Q79593957)
item type: embassy

Street address: Calle El Batán N34-67 (from Wikidata)

Agency for Quality Assurance of Health Services and Prepaid Medicine (Q115121175)
item type: government agency

Street address: Av. Quitumbe Ñan y Av. Amaru Ñan. Plataforma Gubernamental de Desarrollo Social | Código Postal: 170702 | Quito (from Wikidata)

website: http://www.acess.gob.ec/

National Institute for Organ, Tissue and Cells Donation and Transplantation (Q115217902)
item type: government agency

Street address: Yaguachi E6-68 y Numa Pompillo Llona Barrio “El Dorado”, Quito, Ecuador (from Wikidata)

website: http://www.donaciontrasplante.gob.ec/

Ejido (Q18416005)
item type: tram stop
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

Ejido es la vigésimo séptima parada del Corredor Trolebús, en el centro de la ciudad de Quito. Se encuentra ubicada sobre la avenida 10 de Agosto, intersección con Bogotá, sobre el extremo occidental del parque El Ejido en la parroquia de San Juan.[1]​ Fue construida durante la administración del alcalde Jamil Mahuad Witt, quien la inauguró el 19 de marzo de 1996, dentro del marco de la segunda etapa operativa del sistema, que venía funcionando desde diciembre de 1995 únicamente hasta la parada Teatro Sucre.[2]

Estación Norte (Q18416803)
item type: tram stop
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

La Estación Norte, también conocida como Estación La Y (no confundir con parada La Y), fue la principal parada integradora del Corredor Trolebús al norte de la ciudad de Quito (Ecuador). Se encontraba ubicada sobre la avenida 10 de Agosto, intersección con Río Cofanes, en la parroquia Rumipamba.

Estación multimodal El Labrador (Q18416900)
item type: tram stop
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

La Estación Multimodal El Labrador es un complejo de transporte urbano de la ciudad de Quito, ubicado en la parroquia La Concepción al centro-norte de la urbe. El predio, aledaño al extremo sur del parque Bicentenario, se encuentra flanqueado por las avenidas Amazonas, Galo Plaza e Isaac Albéniz. El complejo recibe su nombre del monumento al labrador, que se levanta en la glorieta ubicada al sur de la estación, y por el que los quiteños conocen al sector circundante. La plataforma en superficie fue inaugurada el 1 de junio de 2018, aunque la estación de Metro tardará un poco más.[1]

Condor Ñan (Q18418902)
item type: tram stop
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

Condor Ñan es la segunda parada del Corredor Trolebús, en el sur de la ciudad de Quito. Se ubica en la avenida Quitumbe Ñan, intersección con Condor Ñan, en la parroquia Quitumbe.[1]​ Fue construida durante la administración del alcalde Roque Sevilla e inaugurada durante la administración de Augusto Barrera en 2010, como parte de la segunda ampliación del sistema hacia el extremo más meridional de la urbe.[2]

Museo Ecuadoriano de Ciencias Naturales (Q23072880)
item type: museum

Street address: Rumipamba 341 y Av. de los Shyris Iñaquito (from Wikidata)

Church of Our Lady of Guápulo (Q1626461)
item type: church building
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

La iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guápulo o Santuario de Guápulo fue el primer santuario mariano de la hoy República del Ecuador, fundado en 1620 en Guápulo, un hermoso rincón situado al noreste de la ciudad de Quito, capital del país, ubicada a 2690 m s. n. m. Fray Juan de Dios Navas afirmó que este Santuario es de las mejores reliquias heredadas de la Colonia. La imagen de la Virgen de Guápulo fue el modelo utilizado para la escultura de Nuestra Señora de El Cisne y también la de El Quinche.[1]

Bascheball (Q5838870)
item type: military academy
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

0°05′06″S 78°29′14″O

Biblioteca de la Consejería Cultural de la Embajada de España en Quito (Q85682410)
item type: library / main library

Street address: c/ General Francisco Salazar , E-1273 yToledo Sector La Floresta (from Wikidata)

South District (Q3031705)
item type: district of Gran Colombia
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

El Distrito del Sur o de Quito fue una subdivisión judicial y militar de la Gran Colombia que se correspondía completamente con el actual Ecuador, más la región en disputa con Perú al norte de los ríos Marañón y Amazonas.[1]

Guayaquil Metropolitan District (Q5808860)
item type: district
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

El Distrito Metropolitano de Guayaquil es un distrito metropolitano de Ecuador, que a diferencia del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, no es oficial. Este estaría formado por los cantones de Guayaquil, Samborondón, Daule y Durán, que ocupan 5.963,90 km² de superficie y representan el 2,32% del territorio del Ecuador. Su población alcanza los 2,6 millones de habitantes, que representa el 18,33% total del país (INEC, 2010)1. Es el distrito más poblado del país, pero al no ser considerado oficial, su población se cuenta por cantones.

Facultad de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica (Escuela Politécnica Nacional) (Q5854974)
item type: faculty
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

La Facultad de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional es la más antigua unidad académica de enseñanza superior en el área de la ingeniería eléctrica del Ecuador, fue creada en el año 1945 y actualmente cuenta con alrededor del 30% del total de estudiantes del centro de educación superior.

Estadio Universitario César Aníbal Espinoza (Q5848441)
item type: stadium
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

El Estadio Universitario César Aníbal Espinoza de la Universidad Central del Ecuador es un estadio educativo y estadio multiusos. Está ubicado en la Avenida Universitaria y Calle Bolivia en el Campus de la Universidad Central del Ecuador en la Ciudadela Universitaria, de la ciudad de Quito. Fue inaugurado el 16 de marzo de 1958, Es usado mayoritariamente para la práctica del fútbol, y allí juega como local el Club Social y Deportivo Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial y la Universidad Internacional del Ecuador Fútbol Club, equipos de la Segunda Categoría del fútbol ecuatoriano, la Liga Deportiva Universitaria Amateur y el Club Deportivo Estudiantes de la Central, equipos de la Segunda División del fútbol ecuatoriano. Tiene capacidad para 15.000 espectadores. Antes lo utilizaba la Liga Deportiva Universitaria de Quito cuando jugaba de local en este estadio desde hace algunos años.

Plaza de toros Raúl Dávalos de la Calle (Q6080284)
item type: bullring
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

La Monumental Raúl Dávalos es considerada como una de las más antiguas del Ecuador, tiene una capacidad para 13000 personas y en ella se realizan también shows artístico musicales. Sus mayores espectáculos se realizan en las fiestas abrileñas y novembrinas.[1]​ Inaugurada en 1952 por Morenito de Valencia y Lorenzo Pascual "Belmonteño".[2]

José Luis Recalde Velodrome (Q17374389)
item type: velodrome
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

El Velódromo José Luis Recalde[1]​ o bien el Velódromo Olímpico José Luis Recalde es el nombre que recibe una instalación deportiva localizada en la ciudad de Quito, la capital del país suramericano de Ecuador. Fue inaugurado en 1991 por el entonces presidente de la República Rodrigo Borja Cevallos.

Plaza de toros Belmonte (Q54855946)
item type: bullring
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

La plaza de toros Belmonte es un escenario privado de la ciudad de Quito dedicado a la tauromaquia.[1]​ Se encuentra ubicado en el barrio San Blas en el centro histórico de la ciudad. Fue inaugurada en 1917 y tiene una capacidad de 3000 personas.[2]​ Es propiedad municipal pero está concesionada a la empresa Triana Ltda.[3]​ En ella, además, se celebran conciertos y otros eventos culturales.[4]

Ecuadorian Episcopal Conference (Q25975797)
item type: episcopal conference
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

La Conferencia Episcopal Ecuatoriana (CEE) es una institución de carácter permanente, que reúne a los Obispos de la Iglesia católica en Ecuador, para ejercer unidos algunas de las funciones pastorales que les corresponden en toda la nación sudamericana.[1]

website: http://www.conferenciaepiscopal.ec

Palacio Municipal, Quito (Q12198266)
item type: palace
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

El Palacio Municipal de Quito es la sede del Municipio del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito. Está ubicado en el lado oriental de la Plaza de la Independencia, en el Centro Histórico de la ciudad, y sus características arquitectónicas modernistas intentan vincularse con las construcciones historicistas que le rodean.

Monasterio de Santa Catalina de Siena (Quito) (Q6021392)
item type: monastery
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

El Monasterio de Santa Catalina de Siena situado en Quito, que data del siglo XVI, es uno de los cuatro monasterios con que hace presencia la comunidad dominica en el Ecuador y es uno de los cinco monasterios femeninos de clausura más antiguos de la ciudad.

Khaled Ibn Al Walid Mosque (Q107462778)
item type: mosque

website: https://mezquitakhalid.com/

Valley of the Chillos (Q16645326)
item type: city
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

Valle de los Chillos es una zona geográfica ubicada en la parte sur oriental de la Ciudad de Quito en Ecuador, sobre la cual se asienta la administración zonal Los Chillos del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito; además de albergar al cantón Rumiñahui con su capital Sangolquí.

UTE University (Q2495708)
item type: university / open-access publisher
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

La Universidad UTE, anteriormente Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial (UTE), es una universidad privada de Ecuador fundada en 1971. Su sede matriz se encuentra en el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, Ecuador. Además, cuenta con una sede en el cantón Santo Domingo de la Provincia de Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas.

website: https://www.ute.edu.ec/

Universidad de Especialidades Turísticas (Q24960966)
item type: private university
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

La Universidad de Especialidades Turísticas , también conocida como UDET, es una universidad privada de Ecuador. Anteriormente se denominó con las siglas UCT.

website: http://www.udet.edu.ec/

Vuelo 148 de TAME (Q6164940)
item type: aviation accident
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

El Vuelo 148 de TAME fue un vuelo comercial desde la ciudad de Catamayo hasta la de Quito, en Ecuador. El percance ocurrió el 16 de septiembre de 2011, cuando un Embraer 190, de matrícula HC-CEZ adquirido en el año 2006, nuevo de fábrica, con cerca de 13 000 horas de vuelo y que le faltaban 3.168 horas para un nuevo chequeo en el exterior; salió de Catamayo con 97 pasajeros y 6 tripulantes se salió de la pista del antiguo Aeropuerto Internacional Mariscal Sucre de Quito, sin víctimas que lamentar. Según versiones de los testigos del accidente esto se produjo porque el comandante Rodrigo Loza (exmilitar) debido a la prisa que tenía, que se había evidenciado en el embarco de pasajeros en Catamayo donde además no se respetó el número de los asientos, y pese a que la torre de control le advirtió de las malas condiciones climáticas, este decidió aterrizar haciéndolo cerca de la mitad de la pista. Otra teoría es un posible fallo en el sistema de frenos. Independientemente de la causa, el resultado fue que el avión no pudo detenerse a tiempo y se salió de la pista, llegando a salirse incluso del área de seguridad del aeropuerto. El avión siniestrado, no pudo volver a volar y además 11 de los pasajeros recibieron atención médica por los golpes recibidos.[1][2][3][4][5]

Vuelo 6635 de Iberia (Q9094824)
item type: aviation accident
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

El Vuelo 6635 de Iberia fue un vuelo comercial desde el Aeropuerto de Madrid-Barajas de Madrid hasta el Aeropuerto Internacional José Joaquin de Olmedo de Guayaquil, con escala en el Aeropuerto Internacional Mariscal Sucre de Quito, en donde se produjo el incidente.

Iberia Flight 6463 (Q95472075)
item type: aviation accident
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

El vuelo 6463 de Iberia del 9 de noviembre de 2007 entre el Aeropuerto de Madrid-Barajas, Madrid (España) y el Aeropuerto Internacional Mariscal Sucre de Quito (Ecuador), un Airbus 340-600, con matrícula EC- JOH y bautizado Miguel de Unamuno, sufrió un accidente al aterrizar en el aeropuerto de destino. Llevaba a bordo a 359 personas entre pasajeros y tripulación.

Palacio de la Curia Metropolitana (Q6058294)
item type: building
Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

El Palacio de la Curia Metropolitana, también conocido como Centro Comercial Pasaje Arzobispal, es un edificio histórico de la ciudad de Quito DM, ubicado en el flanco norte de la Plaza de la Independencia, en el corazón del Centro Histórico de la urbe. Flanqueado por la Casa de los Alcaldes (izq) y el Palacio Arzobispal (der). La edificación es considerada popularmente parte de este último, pues allí funcionaron oficinas de la Curia hasta mediados del siglo XX.

Official Catalog ACESS Ecuador (Q115194422)
item type: website / online catalog

website: http://www.acess.gob.ec/acessenlinea/catalogo.html

Chacana (Q2648115)
item type: mountain
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Chacana is a large 32-km long - 18–24 km wide caldera that has erupted in historical times. It forms one of the largest rhyolite centers in the Northern Andes with major eruptions over the past 240,000, 180,00, and 160,000 years ago and has had andesitic-rhyolitic volcanism. With dacitic lava flows continuing into historical times. Lava domes were also constructed in the Holocene. Chacana is located 30 km from Quito and the large Antisana volcano is constructed to the southeast.

Sincholagua Volcano (Q15277853)
item type: volcano / stratovolcano
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Sincholagua is an inactive volcano located in Ecuador 17 km (11 mi) northeast of Cotopaxi Volcano and 45 km (28 mi) southeast of Quito. It is the 12th highest peak in the country at 4,899 m (16,073 ft) but also one of the lesser known ones. The name of the mountain comes from the indigenous language Quichua and means "strong above". Due to its close proximity to Cotopaxi, the second highest peak in Ecuador and the most popular volcano, it is far less frequently visited compared to other mountains in the country. It has a sharp peak and at one point had glacial cover year round, but all of the glaciers melted a few decades ago. However, snow can still be seen on the peak since there is sometimes heavy snowfall at the summit.

Cotacachi Volcano (Q1136571)
item type: mountain / stratovolcano
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Cotacachi is a dormant volcano in the Western Cordillera of the northern Ecuadorian Andes, in the west of Imbabura Province, above the city of Cotacachi. It has a summit elevation of 4,944 m (16,220 ft) above sea level and its highest elevations are capped with snow.

Ninahuilca (Q7038183)
item type: geographical feature
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Ninahuilca is a volcano in the Western Cordillera of Ecuador. It is southwest of Atacazo.

Pasochoa (Q2648452)
item type: mountain
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Pasochoa (4,200 metres) is an extinct volcano located in the Guayllabamba river basin in the Ecuadorian Andes. The current mountain form is a collapsed crater with a semicircular shape. This structure emerged approximately 100 thousand years ago due to an eruption which destroyed the crater and occidental slope of the previous volcanic cone.