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Cosigüina Peninsula is a peninsula located west of Nicaragua and is a protected area recognized as a natural reserve and wildlife refuge by the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA). It is located in the northwest corner of the municipality of El Viejo, in the Chinandega Department. It was also called "Lacoalguina".
Volcán San Cristóbal-Casita Natural Reserve is a nature reserve in Nicaragua. It is one of the 78 reserves that are under official protection in the country.
Casita är en 1 405 meter hög stratovulkan i västra Nicaragua, tio kilometer nordost om Chinandega. Den ligger två kilometer öster om den större vulkanen San Cristóbal. Under Orkanen Mitch år 1998 drabades Posoltega av en Lahar från vulkanen Casita, i vilken mer än 2000 personer omkom.
Estero Real Natural Reserve is a nature reserve in Nicaragua. It is one of the 78 reserves that are under official protection in the country. It is in the Northwest corner of Nicaragua in Chinandega Department and borders the country of Honduras.
Llanos de Apacunca Genetic Reserve is a nature reserve in Nicaragua. It is one of the 78 reserves which are under official protection in the country, as a part of the Estero Real Natural Reserve.