Washington Circle (Q1882561)

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Washington Circle is a traffic circle in the northwest quadrant of Washington, D.C., United States. It is located on the border of the Foggy Bottom and West End neighborhoods, which is a part of the Ward 2 section in Washington. It is the intersection of 23rd Street, K Street, New Hampshire Avenue, and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. It borders many buildings of the George Washington University campus. The through lanes of K Street (which are U.S. Route 29) travel underneath the circle in a tunnel, while the service lanes intersect the circle.: 185–192 

Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

Washington Circle o Rotonda Washington es una rotonda en el cuadrante noroeste de Washington D. C. en los Estados Unidos. Se encuentra en el cruce de la avenida Pensilvania, Avenida Nuevo Hampshire, la calle K, y la calle 23. El tráfico intenso de la calle K (que forman parte de la autopista 29) pasa por el túnel bajo la rotonda.

Wikidata location: 38.9025, -77.0501 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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found a single match candidate

way: Washington Circle Park (OSM)exact location match [show tags]
name: Washington Circle Park
leisure: park
boundary: national_park
operator: National Park Service
wikidata: Q1882561
dcgis:gis: Nps_268
ownership: national
protected: perpetuity
dcgis:name: Washington Circle
dcgis:source: NPS
dcgis:reserve: 026
operator:type: public
dcgis:acquired: 1
dcgis:location: Pennsylvania & New Hampshire Aves., NW
dcgis:objectid: 268
dcgis:trans_dc: 0000/00/00
operator:short: NPS
dcgis:park_code: 824
dcgis:shape_len: 337.251333622
dcgis:alpha_code: NACC
dcgis:shape_area: 9047.30479757
operator:wikidata: Q308439

wikidata match: Q1882561

Search criteria from Wikidata

view with query.wikidata.org

garden (Q1107656) leisure=garden
square (Q174782) place=square
junction (Q1777515) junction
road junction (Q1788454) junction=yes, junction
park (Q22698) leisure=park

Search criteria from categories

George Washington University building=university, site=university, amenity=university, type=site
Parks in Washington, D.C. leisure=park, landuse=recreation_ground, leisure=common, boundary=national_park
Road tunnels in the United States tunnel, type=tunnel
Squares, plazas, and circles in Washington, D.C. amenity=market, leisure=park, place=square, foot=yes, highway=pedestrian, area=yes
Tunnels in Washington, D.C. tunnel, type=tunnel