Florina Regional Unit

Florina Regional Unit, Western Macedonia, Epirus and Western Macedonia, Greece
category: boundary — type: administrative — OSM: relation 956714

Latest matcher run: Fri, 31 May 2024 18:53

Wikidata tags already added to OSM with this tool.

  • 07:56 Sat, 01 Jun 2024: geraki added tags to 2 OSM elements view changeset
    Change comment: "Add wikidata tags to architectural structures in Florina Regional Unit, Western Macedonia, GR-C, Epirus and Western Macedonia, Greece."
  • 07:55 Sat, 01 Jun 2024: geraki added tags to 2 OSM elements view changeset
    Change comment: "Add wikidata tags to hotels in Florina Regional Unit, Western Macedonia, GR-C, Epirus and Western Macedonia, Greece."

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