Match: Q5037113 + way/297739318

Wikidata location: 38.9403, -77.0019 view on OSM

Match details

OSM tag name=Capuchin College matches Capuchin College in these Wikidata fields:

  • label: en
  • sitelink: enwiki
  • extract: enwiki

Search criteria from categories

Capuchin schools building=college, amenity=college, building=school, amenity=school, type=site, site=school
Catholic universities and colleges in Washington, D.C. building=university, building=college, amenity=university, site=college, site=university, amenity=college, type=site
Private universities and colleges in Washington, D.C. building=university, building=college, amenity=university, site=college, site=university, amenity=college, type=site
Seminaries and theological colleges in Washington, D.C. site=college, building=college, amenity=college, type=site