Match: Q6972835 + way/175895751

Wikidata location: 38.8913, -77.0230 view on OSM

Match details

OSM tag name=National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden matches National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden in these Wikidata fields:

  • label: en
  • label: de
  • label: fr
  • label: es
  • sitelink: enwiki
  • sitelink: frwiki
  • nativelabel: en
  • extract: enwiki

OSM tag name=National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden matches Sculpture Garden of the National Gallery of Art in these Wikidata fields:

  • commonscat: None

Search criteria from categories

Gardens in Washington, D.C. leisure=garden, natural=wood
Outdoor sculptures in Washington, D.C. memorial=statue, historic=monument, historic=memorial, memorial:type=statue, tourism
Sculpture gardens, trails and parks in the United States landuse=recreation_ground, leisure=garden, boundary=national_park, natural=wood, leisure=park, leisure=common