
Edirne, Marmara Region, Turkey
category: boundary — type: administrative — OSM: relation 223465

Items with no match found in OSM

266 items

treaty of Adrianople (Q137847)
item type: peace treaty
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Treaty of Adrianople (also called the Treaty of Edirne) concluded the Russo-Turkish War of 1828–29, between Imperial Russia and the Ottoman Empire. The terms favored Russia, which gained access to the mouths of the Danube and new territory on the Black Sea. The treaty opened the Dardanelles to all commercial vessels, granted autonomy to Serbia, and promised autonomy for Greece. It also allowed Russia to occupy Moldavia and Walachia until the Ottoman Empire had paid a large indemnity; those indemnities were later reduced. The treaty was signed on 14 September 1829 in Adrianople by Count Alexey Fyodorovich Orlov of Russia and Abdülkadir Bey of the Ottoman Empire.

Battle of Adrianople (Q192473)
item type: battle
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Battle of Adrianople also known as Battle of Hadrianopolis was fought between the Eastern Roman army led by the Roman emperor Valens and Gothic rebels (largely Thervings as well as Greutungs, non-Gothic Alans, and various local rebels) led by Fritigern. The battle took place in the vicinity of Adrianople, in the Roman province of Thracia (modern Edirne in European Turkey). It ended with an overwhelming victory for the Goths and the death of Emperor Valens.

Ottoman conquest of Adrianople (Q983012)
item type: battle
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Ottoman conquest of Adrianople (Edirne) by the Ottomans occurred sometime in the 1360s, and eventually became the Ottoman capital afterwards, until the Fall of Constantinople in 1453.

Battle of Adrianople (324) (Q767848)
item type: battle
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Battle of Adrianople was fought in Thrace on July 3, 324, during a Roman civil war, the second to be waged between the two emperors Constantine I and Licinius. Licinius was soundly defeated and his army suffered heavy casualties. Constantine built up military momentum, winning further battles on land and sea, eventually leading to the final defeat of Licinius at Chrysopolis.

Battle of Versinikia (Q1048401)
item type: battle
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Battle of Versinikia (Bulgarian: Битката при Версиникия; Greek: Μάχη της Βερσινικίας) was fought in 813 between the Byzantine Empire and the Bulgarian Empire, near the city of Adrianople (Edirne) in modern-day Turkey.

Battle of Adrianople (Q1427630)
item type: battle
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Battle of Adrianople occurred around Adrianople on April 14, 1205, between Bulgarians and Cumans under Tsar Kaloyan of Bulgaria, and Crusaders under Baldwin I, who only months before had been crowned Emperor of Constantinople, allied with Venetians under Doge Enrico Dandolo. The battle was won by the Bulgarian Empire after a successful ambush.

Battle of Adrianople (Q28155605)
item type: battle
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Battle of Adrianople was one of the final battles of the Russo-Turkish War of 1828-1829 and resulted in the Treaty of Adrianople (1829), which ended that conflict.

Lalapaşa District (Q117286307)
item type: administrative territorial entity
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Lalapaşa District is a district of the Edirne Province of Turkey. Its seat is the town of Lalapaşa. Its area is 497 km2, and its population is 6,225 (2022).

Battle of Adrianople (Q2724154)
item type: battle
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Battle of Adrianople was fought in 1254 between the Byzantine Greek Empire of Nicaea and the Second Bulgarian Empire. Michael Asen I of Bulgaria attempted to conquer land taken by the Empire of Nicaea, but the advance of Theodore II Lascaris caught the Bulgarians unprepared. The Byzantines were victorious.

Siege of Adrianople (813) (Q2713449)
item type: battle / siege
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The siege of Adrianople (Bulgarian: Обсада на Одрин) in 813 was a part of the wars of the Byzantine Empire with the Bulgarian khan Krum (Byzantine-Bulgarian Wars).

Battle of Adrianople (Q2887868)
item type: battle
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The siege of Adrianople (Bulgarian: oбсада на Одрин, Serbian: oпсада Једрена/opsada Jedrena, Turkish: Edirne kuşatması), was fought during the First Balkan War. The siege began on 3 November 1912 and ended on 26 March 1913 with the capture of Edirne (Adrianople) by the Bulgarian 2nd Army and the Serbian 2nd Army.

Bayezid II Külliye Health Museum (Q4874490)
item type: hospital museum
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Complex of Sultan Bayezid II Health Museum (Turkish: Sultan II. Bayezid Külliyesi Sağlık Müzesi) is a hospital museum of Trakya University within the Complex of Sultan Bayezid II located in Edirne, Turkey.

website: http://saglikmuzesi.trakya.edu.tr/

Karaağaç railway station (Q6086223)
item type: former railway station / station located on surface
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Karaağaç station (Turkish: Karaağaç Garı) or before 1971 Edirne station (Turkish: Edirne Garı) was the name of the former railway station in Edirne, located 4 km (2.5 mi) south-west of the city. Currently, it houses Trakya University's Faculty of Fine Arts.

This item might be defunct. The English Wikipedia article is in these categories: Defunct railway stations in Turkey, Railway stations in Turkey closed in 1971
Sultan Bayezid II Complex (Q6055477)
item type: külliye
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Complex of Sultan Bayezid II (Turkish: Sultan II Bayezid Külliyesi) is a külliye located in Edirne, Turkey. It was built in 1488 by the Ottoman architect Mimar Hayruddin for the Sultan Bayezid II (reigned 1481–1512).

This item might be defunct. The English Wikipedia article is in these categories: 1877 disestablishments, Defunct hospitals
Mimar Sinan Sport Hall (Q6861999)
item type: sports venue
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Mimar Sinan Sport Hall (Turkish: Mimar Sinan Spor Salonu) is an indoor multi-purpose sport venue that is located in the Edirne, Turkey. Opened in 1971, the hall has a seating capacity of 2,000 spectators. It was previously home to Olin Edirne.

Siege of Adrianople (Q16931381)
item type: siege
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The siege of Adrianople took place in 378 following the Gothic victory at the Battle of Adrianople. Gothic forces were unable to breach the city walls and retreated. It was followed by an unsuccessful Gothic attempt to breach the walls of Constantinople.

Gazi Mihal Bridge (Q16838524)
item type: arch bridge
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Gazi Mihal Bridge (Turkish: Gazi Mihal Köprüsü) is a historic Ottoman bridge in Edirne, Turkey. it crosses the Tunca.

Fatih Bridge (Q16836363)
item type: bridge
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Fatih Bridge (Turkish: Fatih Köprüsü), a.k.a. Bönce Bridge, is a historic Ottoman bridge in Edirne, Turkey. It crosses the Tunca, connecting Edirne Palace to the city.

Yalnız Göz Bridge (Q16928970)
item type: bridge
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Yalnızgöz Bridge (Turkish: Yalnızgöz Köprüsü) is a historic Ottoman bridge in Edirne, Turkey. It crosses the Tunca.

Trakya University (Q845682)
item type: public university / open-access publisher
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Trakya University (Turkish: Trakya Üniversitesi) is a public university in Edirne, Turkey. It was established on July 20, 1982. The university is located in Edirne, in Eastern Thrace. Trakya University is a regional university with branches and campuses spread over the Thrace region. Trakya University runs scientific activities related to regional development and has international relationships especially within the Balkan Universities Network including more than 40 Universities from Balkan countries and the University Loerrach in Germany. Erhan Tabakoglu was elected and confirmed as new Rector of the university in July 2016.

website: http://www.trakya.edu.tr

Pazarkule Border Crossing (Q6000881)
item type: border checkpoint
Summary from Türkçe / Turkish Wikipedia (trwiki)

Pazarkule Sınır Kapısı, Edirne'nin Merkez ilçesine bağlı Karaağaç Mahallesinde yer alan Türkiye – Yunanistan arasındaki kara yolu gümrük/sınır kapısıdır. 20 Nisan 1952 tarihinde hizmete girmiştir.

Portuguese Synagogue (Q6066734)
item type: synagogue
Summary from Türkçe / Turkish Wikipedia (trwiki)

Portekiz Sinagogu (Edirne Büyük Sinagogu). 1497'de Portekiz Kralı I. Manuel'in ülkede bulunan Yahudilere din değiştirme ya da ülkeyi terk etme arasında bir seçim yapmalarını emreden bir kararname yayınlaması üzerine ülkeyi terk eden Yahudilerden bir bölümü Osmanlı İmparatorluğu topraklarına ulaşmış ve Edirne'ye yerleşenler olmuştur. Bu dönemde Edirne'de Yahudiler tarafından kurulan sinagogların sayısı on üçü bulmuştur. 1905 yılında Edirne'de çıkan büyük bir yangında bu on üç sinagogun zarar görmesinden sonra büyük bir sinagogun inşası düşünülmüş ve 1907 yılında sinagogun inşası tamamlanmıştır. İnşa edilen sinagogun adı ''Büyük Sinagog'' dur. Bu sinagoga bağlı bulunan Yahudiler, "Portekiz Cemaati" olarak adlandırılmakla birlikte geldikleri ülkede alışmış oldukları ritüel ve ayinleri burada devam ettirme şansı bulmuşlardır. Günümüz Edirne'sinde artık bulunmayan bu sinagogla ilgili bir efsane de sinagogda yapılan bir terennüm sırasında Sinagog Müziğini ilk defa Türk Makamlarına adapte etme çalışmalarını yapmış müzik adamlarından İsrael ben Moşe Nadjara'nın ruhunun, "muhteşem" bir biçimde sinagogun yukarısında belirmiş olmasıdır.

St. George Church (Edirne) (Q2372536)
item type: church building
Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Die Kirche Sweti Georgi (bulgarisch църква „Свети Георги“, St.-Georgs-Kirche, türkisch Sv Georgi Kilisesi) ist eine bulgarisch-orthodoxe Kirche in Edirne (bulg. Odrin) im Nordwesten der Türkei. Sie ist dem heiligen Georg geweiht. Sie ist neben der St.-Konstantin-und-Helena-Kirche (erbaut 1869) die einzige noch erhaltene bulgarische Kirche in Edirne. Beide Kirchen sind auch die einzigen erhaltenen überhaupt in der Stadt.

Sitti Sultan Mosque (Q127788092)
item type: mosque / architectural structure
Summary from Türkçe / Turkish Wikipedia (trwiki)

Sitti Şah Sultan Camii ya da Sultan Camii, Fatih Sultan Mehmet'in hanımlarından Sitti Hatun adına Yıldırım Beyazıd tarafından 1482'de Edirne'de yapılan camii.

İkinci Bayezid Camii (Q6047483)
item type: mosque
Summary from Türkçe / Turkish Wikipedia (trwiki)

II. Bayezid Camii, Edirne'de II. Bayezid Külliyesi içinde yer alan anıtsal camidir.

Gazi Hoca Mosque (Q127643078)
item type: mosque / architectural structure
Summary from Türkçe / Turkish Wikipedia (trwiki)

Gazi Hoca Camii, Edirne'de bulunan Osmanlı Döneminde inşa edilen cami.

Kuşçu Doğan Mosque (Q127787029)
item type: mosque / architectural structure
Summary from Türkçe / Turkish Wikipedia (trwiki)

Kuşçu Doğan Camii Edirne il merkezinde 2. Murad ve Fatih Sultan Mehmet zamanında Yeniçeri ağalığı yapan, Kuşçu Doğan tarafından 15. yüzyıl başlarında inşa ettirilen cami.

Bagni di Sokollu Mehmed Pascià (Q55831374)
item type: building
Summary from Italiano / Italian Wikipedia (itwiki)

I bagni di Sokollu Mehmed Pascià (in turco: Sokullu Hamamı) sono un complesso di bagni turchi di Edirne, in Turchia. L'edificio sorge nel centro della cittadina turca, a poche decine di metri dalla moschea Üç Şerefeli, e ancora oggi svolge la sua funzione di bagno pubblico.

Edirne İkinci Bayezid Köprüsü (Q6021897)
item type: bridge
Summary from Türkçe / Turkish Wikipedia (trwiki)

Edirne İkinci Beyazıt Köprüsü, II. Bayezid tarafından Edirne'de Tunca nehri üzerinde inşa ettirilen köprü.

Nike (Q60791070)
item type: city
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Nike or Nice (Ancient Greek: Νίκη), or Nicaea or Nikaia (Νίκαια), or Nicae, was a town of Thrace, not far from Adrianople, the scene of the defeat and death of the emperor Valens by the Goths in 378.

This item might be defunct. The English Wikipedia article is in these categories: Former populated places in Turkey
Havsa District (Q117272483)
item type: district of Turkey
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Havsa District is a district of the Edirne Province of Turkey. Its seat is the town of Havsa. Its area is 545 km2, and its population is 17,969 (2022). The district borders the Edirne District to the north and west, the district of Süloğlu to the north, the province of Kırklareli to the east and the district of Uzunköprü to the south.

Tayyakadın railway station (Q97334759)
item type: railway station / station located on surface
Summary from Türkçe / Turkish Wikipedia (trwiki)

Tayyakadın Tren İstasyonu, Edirne'nin il merkezine bağlı Tayyakadın köyünde yer alan TCDD'ye ait hemzemin tren istasyonudur.

Demirköprü railway station (Q21682412)
item type: railway station
Summary from Türkçe / Turkish Wikipedia (trwiki)

Demirköprü Tren İstasyonu, Edirne'nin Uzunköprü ilçesi Çakmakköy köyünde, Türkiye ile Yunanistan'ı birbirine bağlayan Uzunköprü Sınır Kapısı'nda, yer alan TCDD'ye ait hemzemin tren istasyonudur.

Garella (Q1257579)
item type: titular see
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Garella (Greek: Γάρελλα) was a Byzantine town and fortress, best known from its history as an episcopal see. Its site is occupied by the modern village of Altınyazı, in Edirne Province of Turkey.

This item might be defunct. The English Wikipedia article is in these categories: Defunct dioceses of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
Meriç District (Q117286312)
item type: administrative territorial entity
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Meriç District is a district of the Edirne Province of Turkey. Its seat is the town of Meriç. Its area is 438 km2, and its population is 12,841 (2022). The district shares a 56 kilometer long border with Greece to the north and west. Uzunköprü District is located to the east and south-east. To the south is İpsala District.

İpsala Border Gate (Q31190077)
item type: border checkpoint
Summary from Türkçe / Turkish Wikipedia (trwiki)

İpsala Sınır Kapısı, Edirne'nin İpsala ilçesinde yer alan Türkiye – Yunanistan arasındaki kara yolu gümrük/sınır kapısıdır. E-25 kara yolu ile Yunanistan ile Türkiye'yi birbirine bağlayan İpsala Köprüsü'nün bitişiğindeki 11,000 m² alan üzerine 1956 yılında inşa edilmeye başlanmış, 10 Temmuz 1961 tarihinde hizmete girmiştir.

Kadıköy Dam (Q1089277)
item type: dam
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Kadıköy Dam is a dam in Turkey. The development was backed by the Turkish State Hydraulic Works.

Botaş Saros FSRU Terminal (Q116056600)
item type: liquefied natural gas terminal
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Botaş Saros FSRU Terminal (Turkish: BOTAŞ Saros FSRU Limanı) is a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in Turkey. Owned by the Turkish state-owned corporation BOTAŞ, it is located at the northeastern shore of the Gulf of Saros in Turkey. It will be used for converting LNG imported by LNG carriers back to natural gas using a floating storage regasification unit (FSRU), and transferring the natural gas into the national pipeline network system. Projected in 2019, the construction works started in November 2020, and it is expected to be completed in early 2023. All legal efforts to stop the project due to environmental concerns failed.

barrage de Boztepe (Q2885067)
item type: dam
Summary from Français / French Wikipedia (frwiki)

Le barrage de Boztepe est un barrage en Turquie dans la province de Edirne sur la rivière Kocadere. La rivière se perd dans les canaux qui rejoignent le fleuve Meriç (Maritsa ou Évros) près de son embouchure en mer Égée. Le village appelé Boztepe (district de Keşan) est situé sous le barrage

Kocadere Barajı (Q2885185)
item type: dam
Summary from Français / French Wikipedia (frwiki)

Le barrage de Kocadere ou barrage de Kocadere est un barrage en Turquie dans le district de Keşan dans la province d'Edirne. Le barrage est proche de la ville de Keşan. La rivière se perd dans les canaux qui rejoignent le fleuve Meriç à la frontière avec la Grèce près d'Enez.

Koyuntepe Dam (Q6435179)
item type: dam
Summary from Türkçe / Turkish Wikipedia (trwiki)

Koyuntepe Barajı, Edirne'de, Gerendere üzerinde, sulama ve taşkın önleme amacıyla inşasına 2006 yılında başlanan ve 2009 yılında bitirilmesi planlanan bir barajdır.

Colla (Q65051934)
Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Colla was a settlement and station (mutatio) of ancient Thrace, inhabited during Roman and Byzantine times.

This item might be defunct. The English Wikipedia article is in these categories: Former populated places in Turkey
Enez Castle (Q126097465)
item type: fortress
Summary from Türkçe / Turkish Wikipedia (trwiki)

Enez Kalesi, Türkiye'nin Edirne iline bağlı Enez ilçesinde, Meriç Nehri'nin Ege Denizi'ne döküldüğü noktada yer almaktadır. Meriç (Hebros) Nehri'nin Ege Denizi'ne ulaştığı büyük bir deltada, stratejik bir noktada yer alan ve Balkanları, Ege ve Anadolu'ya bağlayan yolların kesişiminde kurulmuş tarihi bir yerleşimdir. Bu bölge, antik dönemlerden günümüze kadar birçok medeniyete ev sahipliği yapmıştır. Şehir, tarihte Aeneas, Ainos, İnoz ve Poltyobria gibi isimlerle anılmıştır.

Hoca Çeşme (Q1621624)
item type: archaeological site / mound
Summary from Türkçe / Turkish Wikipedia (trwiki)

Hoca Çeşme Höyüğü, Enez ilçe merkezinin yaklaşık 3 km güneydoğusunda yer alan bir arkeolojik yerleşimdir. Keşan – Enez karayolu üzerindeki höyük, adını yol kenarındaki Hoca Çeşme (Çobançeşme olarak da geçer) adılı çeşmeden almıştır. Yerleşim kabaca 300 metre uzunluğundaki kayalık bir sırtın üzerinde 80 X 70 metre boyutlarında ufak bir yerleşimdir. Kayalığın hemen altından bol akışlı bir tatlı su kaynağı vardır. Arkeolojik kazılarda ortaya çıkan yapılar koruma altına alınmamış olup diğer arazide halen tarım yapılmaktadır. Bölgede, bilinen en eski yerleşim olarak görülmektedir.