Match: Q17509210 + way/732228095

Wikidata location: 40.8070, -73.9606 view on OSM

Match details

OSM tag name=Columbia University matches Columbia University, NYC (June 2014) - 13.JPG in these Wikidata fields:

  • image: None

Search criteria from categories

1977 sculptures historic=memorial, memorial:type=statue, memorial=statue, tourism, historic=monument
Bronze sculptures in New York City historic=memorial, memorial:type=statue, memorial=statue, tourism, historic=monument
Bronze sculptures in the United Kingdom historic=memorial, memorial:type=statue, memorial=statue, tourism, historic=monument
Columbia University campus building=university, site=university, amenity=university, type=site
Outdoor sculptures in London memorial=statue, historic=monument, historic=memorial, memorial:type=statue, tourism
Outdoor sculptures in Manhattan memorial=statue, historic=monument, historic=memorial, memorial:type=statue, tourism
Sculptures of classical mythology historic=memorial, memorial:type=statue, memorial=statue, tourism, historic=monument