Match: Q901533 + relation/175905

Wikidata location: 40.7185, -73.9901 view on OSM

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Ethnic museums in New York City building=museum, tourism=attraction, tourism=gallery, tourism=museum, historic=museum
Historic house museums in New York City building=museum, tourism=attraction, tourism=gallery, tourism=museum, historic=museum
Museums established in 1988 building=museum, tourism=attraction, tourism=gallery, tourism=museum, historic=museum
Museums in Manhattan building=museum, tourism=attraction, tourism=gallery, tourism=museum, historic=museum
Museums of human migration building=museum, tourism=attraction, tourism=gallery, tourism=museum, historic=museum
National Historic Sites in New York (state) boundary=protected_area, historic
Residential buildings completed in 1863 building=residential, building=apartments, landuse=residential, building=house
Residential buildings on the National Register of Historic Places in Manhattan building=residential, building=house, historic, boundary=protected_area, building=apartments, landuse=residential